In order to use the Pygments code syntax highlighter, we need to install python pip sudo apt-get install python-pip -y Make sure that the Ruby Gems are updated and then install the bundler GEM sudo gem update -system
Verify your ruby version changed with ruby -v bash_profile if you are using that instead source ~/.bashrc In order to it to take effect run replace. To make chruby auto run we need to add the following lines to our ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile script source /usr/local/share/chruby/ We need to install chruby to change the ruby version to the one that we just installed wget -O chruby-0.3.9.tar.gz We are going to use ruby-install to get the latest version of Ruby installed wget -O ruby-install-0.5.0.tar.gz There is also a bug in the ubuntu packages where the Ruby 2.0 install is actually the 1.9.3 branch. Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 unfortunately comes with Ruby 1.9.x and we need 2.x.
Section 1.1: Installing NodeJsįirst we are going to install NodeJS using the command below # Note the new setup script name for Node.js v0.12 We need to install nodejs, ruby 2.x, python pip, and git. It will also let you have draft post where you can see them locally but on github they will not be visible. Instead, it is better if you can test out all of your changes and review your blog post before letting the world see them. Up to this point we have been using the Github web site to edit all of our files but the downside to this is that any chances you want to make show up live in your blog before you have had a chance to test them. In this tutorial we are going to setup your Ubuntu Linux computer to be able to edit your blog on your computer. Welcome the continuing series on using Jekyll.